[Freeswitch-users] ESL: api command

Helmut Kuper helmut.kuper at ewetel.de
Wed Jul 21 00:16:37 PDT 2010

Hi Anthony,

On 21.07.2010 02:20, Anthony Minessale wrote:
> *side note*
> There is always a small potential for a race condition on the socket which
> is dealt with in the ESL client lib so you are safe as long as you use the
> official ESL client code.

I looks that I hit this small potential already last night - or my
script was just out of protocol-synch (which is quite likely). Using ESL
was my first thought, but unfortunately I found no ESL for Erlang in
(svn) trunk.

> If you want to avoid blocking api commands from stalling events, consider 2
> socket objects, one for events and one for commands or use bgapi.

I had the same idea, but I try to avoid two socket connections to FS
just for lazyness. ;)

kind regards

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