[Freeswitch-users] Need help setting up a feature

mailinglist mailinglist at fribert.dk
Wed Feb 10 21:45:45 PST 2010

Sorry for the repost, but the previous thread just died :-)
I'm trying to get the possibility of transfering an incoming call from one extension to another, and give the possibility of turning it into a conference.
I don't have a 'transfer' button.
I do have an 'R' button on the Siemens handsets, and a 'Flash' button on the Sipura. The 'Flash' button gives me a new dialtone, gives the caller MOH, and then I can dial the new extension, and transfer the call, but not create a conference.
But the Siemens handset does not have a 'flash', and pressing the R doesn't do anything.
It might be two different features 'transfer' and 'conference'...

But I thought that using the bind_meta_app would accomplish both.
It's on an incoming call from the outside.
So the situation:
The Public folder has an entry that matches the dialed number, and does a transfer to 8202.
Then the dialplan matches the 8202 with a group, and the phone rings.
Somebody picks it up, finds out that it needs to be transferred to another extension, or transferred to a conference with a second extension.
How do I construct that?
Best regards
/Running Freeswitch on pfSense running on a VMWare ESXi 4.0
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