[Freeswitch-users] LUA session prevents channel's DOWN state

Patrick Lists freeswitch-list at puzzled.xs4all.nl
Thu Dec 16 15:06:59 MSK 2010

On 12/16/2010 11:34 AM, Tóth Róbert wrote:
>>  On 12/16/2010 10:39 AM, Tóth Róbert wrote:
>>> /  Hello
> />>/
> />>/  I have a LUA script, what runs permamently and listen to callstate-change events.
> />>/
> />/>  When i attached to a channel by
> />/>           session = freeswitch.session(uuid),
> />/>  it prevents the finish of the channel. (I get some variables from the channel.)
> />/>  It hangs up, the call finishes, but the channel exists until i shutdown FS.
> />/>  state=CS_REPORING and callstate=HANGUP until the end of times...
> />/>
> />/>  How can i detach from the channel?
> />
>>  Iirc you need to have all your sessions enclosed in
>>  while (session:ready() == true) do
>>  Regards,
>>  Patrick
> Sorry, i don't understand what you think.
> When the script receives an event, uses the event's headers, but some variables
> have to be asked from the channel directly. After these datas are collected, they
> are saved in the db, and wait for the next the callstate-event.
> So i dont know where could i put this line where it would be useful.
> (But this does not mean i'm thinking right...)

Look at the Lua examples on the wiki. There you can see how this is used.


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