[Freeswitch-users] Delay when transferring call

Sias Mey sias at cpdata.co.za
Thu Sep 17 03:23:50 PDT 2009


Im having a strange issue with a api triggered call transfer.

There seems to be a long delay between when the transfer is triggered and when it actually happens.

2009-09-17 11:36:26.995001 [NOTICE] switch_ivr.c:1350 Transfer sofia/internal/1004 at to xml
[incust-camp=lucidlive-call=78-conf=41 at default]
Error in my_thread_global_end(): 26 threads didn't exit
2009-09-17 11:36:31.997191 [INFO] mod_dialplan_xml.c:315 Processing 1004->incust-camp=lucidlive-call=7
8-conf=41 in context default
2009-09-17 11:36:31.997191 [INFO] regin.js:1 Execution start
2009-09-17 11:36:31.997191 [INFO] regin.js:1 Connecting to Ringback to add call
2009-09-17 11:36:31.997191 [INFO] regin.js:1 Finished adding calls
2009-09-17 11:36:31.997191 [INFO] regin.js:1 Connecting to database lucidlive to update call
2009-09-17 11:36:32.37433 [INFO] regin.js:1 Finished updateing call

I though it was my regin.js script causing the delay since it runs a couple of database queries and other things, but the output above show that runs fine.

My question is about the delay between 11:36:26 -> 11:36:31. The call is being transfered out of a fifo, but for those 5 seconds there is no MOH or anything else. Just silence.

The transfer is triggered via a xml rpc call. But since the delay is between the switch_ivr and mod_dialplan_xml somewhere I doubt that that has much to do with it.

Any clues or other places I can go look?. 


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