[Freeswitch-users] Q931 decoding

Michael Jerris mike at jerris.com
Wed Jan 21 08:07:31 PST 2009

If you can get it to work in openzap, it will be easy enough for me to  
port when we do the windows driver integration for openzap.


On Jan 21, 2009, at 10:01 AM, Helmut Kuper wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> It's a standalone program to profe concept. So I think I will get it
> working this week as standalone.
> Next week I plan to start to integrate the code into openzap/ 
> ozmod_isdn.c
> Biggest problem currently (in my head) is the file handling of the  
> pcap
> file. Currently I have only one file which is opened at startup time  
> and
> closed during shutdown. In between there is no checking for a certain
> file size to make a file cycle decision or stopping and closing the
> file. I guess it is better to have a FS console command to start stop
> the trace on demand instead of having a config parameter which enables
> the tracing during FS lifetime.
> Further problem is that I have no way to test the code on a windows
> machine. So I have no idea whether it compiles on windows or not.
> Thanks for your support so far.
> regards
> Helmut
> Am 21.01.2009 14:53, schrieb Anthony Minessale:
>> Do you have it integrated into openzap or just standalone?
>> We can give you commit access to openzap if you want to maintain  
>> the patch
>> in tree if you'd like.
>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 5:58 AM, Helmut Kuper  
>> <helmut.kuper at ewetel.de>wrote:
>> Hello,
>> just an update about my progress in this.
>> Currently I have working C code which creates a pcap file  
>> containing all
>> needed protocoll headers in front of the Q931 dump. I use libpcap to
>> create the pcap file. The protocol addresses of each protocol header
>> structure are dynamically set by the code to reflect direction,  
>> sequence
>> and timeline of each Q931 packet in whireshark. Wireshark can read  
>> and
>> decode the current packets generated by my C code correctly.
>> regards
>> helmut
>> Am 19.01.2009 19:46, schrieb Michael Collins:
>>>>> Until Helmut gets his script, etc. all set the only choice you  
>>>>> have is
>>>>> to capture the debug output on the command line.
>>>>> -MC
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