[Freeswitch-users] SIP dump to DB

kokoska.rokoska kokoska.rokoska at post.cz
Mon Feb 23 14:32:26 PST 2009

Joseph Bajin napsal(a):
> Basically, you are trying to build what Empirix has with their Hammer tool.

Thank you very much, Joseph, for your interest!

I have never heard about Empirix (I'll look at it), but what I'm trying
to build is something like SER/Kamailio/OpenSIPS sip_trace module.

> You can create an application that is basically a mix of tshark and a
> database feeder. 
> You sniff with tshark and going to basically pipe it to another
> application that will read the pcap file, parse it, and load it into the
> db for you. There are plenty of modules out there that will read pcap
> for you. 

Thank you once more, Joseph, for suggestion!
I think about it - it will be challenge for me to write robust and still
fast enough (thousands messages per second) SIP parser + DB feeder :-)

Best regards,


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