[Freeswitch-users] Bridge to Conference and Outbound calling

Richard Open Source oss.richard at gmail.com
Fri Jul 4 12:17:52 PDT 2008

 I am interested in being able to convert a bridged call into a conference
and from within the conference, invite others into the conference.

>From http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Specsheet, it seems that mod_conference
delivers these out of the box (i.e Bridge to Conference trasition and
Outbound Calling).

However, I can't get it to work. Here is what I have so far:

1. From XLite, I dial out to an external number thru my Asterisk GW.
2. Set hangup_after_bridge to false as mentioned here
3. When the caller (XLite) press *1, transfer both legs to a conference
4. Can't make outbound calls from conference (yet).

1. The bridging works. But when I try to press *1 to transfer the call to a
conference, it does not work. The log I get is below. However, when I type
the command into the console

   freeswitch at dev-vpbx> uuid_transfer 95bd9744-8c27-4b4b-a785-b915d6640a0b
-both adhoc_conf

it works.

== Pressing *1 log ==
2008-07-04 15:01:36 [DEBUG] switch_core_session.c:386
switch_core_session_receive_message() Kill
sofia/internal/1012 at[BREAK]
2008-07-04 15:01:36 [NOTICE] sofia.c:2015 nua() Channel [sofia/internal/
1012 at] has been answered
2008-07-04 15:01:36 [DEBUG] switch_core_session.c:386
switch_core_session_receive_message() Kill
sofia/internal/1012 at[BREAK]
2008-07-04 15:01:36 [DEBUG] sofia.c:1701 nua() Channel
sofia/internal/1012 at entering state [completed]
2008-07-04 15:01:36 [DEBUG] sofia.c:1701 nua() Channel
sofia/internal/1012 at entering state [ready]
2008-07-04 15:01:40 [DEBUG] switch_ivr_async.c:1387 meta_on_dtmf()
sofia/internal/1012 at Processing meta digit '1'
[uuid_transfer::95bd9744-8c27-4b4b-a785-b915d6640a0b -both adhoc_conf]
2008-07-04 15:01:40 [DEBUG] switch_core_session.c:567
switch_core_session_queue_private_event() Kill
sofia/internal/1012 at [BREAK]
2008-07-04 15:01:40 [DEBUG] switch_core_session.c:386
switch_core_session_receive_message() Kill
sofia/internal/1012 at[BREAK]
2008-07-04 15:01:40 [DEBUG] switch_core_session.c:386
switch_core_session_receive_message() Kill
sofia/internal/1012 at[BREAK]
2008-07-04 15:01:40 [DEBUG] switch_ivr_bridge.c:168 audio_bridge_thread()
Kill sofia/external/916135551234 at [BREAK]

Outbound Calling:
I create a caller-controls group to be able to dial out based on intructions
here http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_conference (see caller-control
However the, <control action="dial" digits="888" ... is not a recognized

Any ideas on how I can proceed? Below is the relevant section in my

One more thing, what to these features mean from the Conferencing
application (http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Specsheet)? Can someone give a
scenario where these can be used?
1. Relationships
2. Transfers
3. Outbound Calling
4. Configurable Key Lay -- Is this the caller-controls?
5. Bridge to Conference trasition
6. Multi Party outbound dialing.

Thank you in advance.

Looking forward to playing around some more with FS. Thanks for the
wonderful software.


=== dialplan default.xml ==
    <extension name="ast_extens">
        <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(9\d{11})$">
           <action application="set" data="hangup_after_bridge=false"/>
           <action application="bind_meta_app" data="1 a s
uuid_transfer::${uuid} -both adhoc_conf"/>
           <action application="bridge" data="
sofia/external/$1 at"/ <sofia/external/$1 at>>

    <extension name="adhoc_conf">
      <condition field="destination_number" expression="^adhoc_conf$">
        <action application="answer"/>
        <action application="conference"
data="${uuid}@adhoc"/<$%7Buuid%7D at adhoc%22/>
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