[Freeswitch-users] Problem playing media

Brian West brian at freeswitch.org
Wed Apr 9 03:36:56 PDT 2008

On Apr 9, 2008, at 1:17 AM, Nicolas Brenner wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm having some trouble with FS :( apparently with mod_shout. I want
> to play an mp3 file after answering a call so I compiled mod_shout
> following the wiki, then configured an extension to answer a call and
> play an mp3 file I uploaded to the server. The thing is, FS supposedly
> plays the file, but I can't hear it on the softphone with which I'm
> calling, and also, after playing the file, FS seems to freeze and then
> I get a lot of:
> sofia_event_callback() event [nua_r_bye] status [408][Request Timeout]
> session: n/a
> sofia_event_callback() event [nua_i_state] status [408][to BYE]  
> session: n/a
> lines on the console/log.

Well I can't see enough of the log with the two lines you posted to  
many any kinda of educated guess.

> Also, after I try to call once, the softphone does not work anymore,
> and I have to make it register again with FS. After all this, when I
> shutdown FS, it takes some time, and while it's trying to shutdown it
> prints a lot of the same lines as above.

I can only guess you're using x-lite or eyebeam.

> I thought it was mod_shout, so I commented it from
> autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml so it does not load, and replaced
> the mp3 file with a wav file (FS has permission to read both of them),
> but I'm getting the same behaviour. Now I'm even getting that
> behaviour when dialing 9999 or 9998 (default dialplan pre-configured
> extensions).

Is this a real server or virtual server? ie vmware or xen?

> Now I can't get FS to work right, everytime I try to make a call,
> either initiating it from the console, the softphone or js, I get the
> same weird behaviour. Any clues?
> I'm sorry if this is trivial or a known issue, but I haven't been able
> to figure it out, thanks a lot for your time and help.

Your best bet at this point is to join the IRC channel and ask for  
help in realtime... Have you tried "make current" to ensure you don't  
have any code skew?

> -- 
> Nicolás Brenner
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Brian West
sip:brian at freeswitch.org

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