[Freeswitch-users] Problem playing media

Nicolas Brenner nicolas at medularis.com
Tue Apr 8 23:17:55 PDT 2008

Hello everyone,

I'm having some trouble with FS :( apparently with mod_shout. I want
to play an mp3 file after answering a call so I compiled mod_shout
following the wiki, then configured an extension to answer a call and
play an mp3 file I uploaded to the server. The thing is, FS supposedly
plays the file, but I can't hear it on the softphone with which I'm
calling, and also, after playing the file, FS seems to freeze and then
I get a lot of:

sofia_event_callback() event [nua_r_bye] status [408][Request Timeout]
session: n/a
sofia_event_callback() event [nua_i_state] status [408][to BYE] session: n/a

lines on the console/log.

Also, after I try to call once, the softphone does not work anymore,
and I have to make it register again with FS. After all this, when I
shutdown FS, it takes some time, and while it's trying to shutdown it
prints a lot of the same lines as above.

I thought it was mod_shout, so I commented it from
autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml so it does not load, and replaced
the mp3 file with a wav file (FS has permission to read both of them),
but I'm getting the same behaviour. Now I'm even getting that
behaviour when dialing 9999 or 9998 (default dialplan pre-configured

Now I can't get FS to work right, everytime I try to make a call,
either initiating it from the console, the softphone or js, I get the
same weird behaviour. Any clues?
I'm sorry if this is trivial or a known issue, but I haven't been able
to figure it out, thanks a lot for your time and help.

Nicolás Brenner

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