[Freeswitch-dev] Need help: Detecting silence in an on-going call

Navin Agarwal agarwal.navin.rvce at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 01:35:02 MSD 2015

Hello Everyone,

I am working on a FreeSWITCH project where I need to detect some features
of an on-going call such as a period of silence, low volume and high
volume, and report it to the user on-the-fly.

I found a function "is_silence_frame" in "switch_ivr_async.c" which detects
if a frame is a silence frame relative to a given threshold. I tried using
that but I did not find any difference in the energy levels of frames which
were silent and ones in which someone was speaking, so I am not able to use

Can someone please help me in understanding how this works or if there is
any other code or module that I can use to detect silence, low volume and
high volume in an on-going call. Basically the idea is to perform some live
analysis of a call and the above three are the ones that I could come up
with till now.

Any pointers here will be really appreciated.

Navin Agarwal
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