[Freeswitch-dev] Loading an IVR menu on the fly through an URL

RaviRaj Mulasa rml at tollfreeforwarding.com
Fri Nov 18 12:59:55 MSK 2011

Hi FreeSWITCH Enthusiastics/Gurus


1. Customers can  build  a custom IVR using a UI.
2. Back end code persists the IVR details in a DB.
3.  A URL  will be exposed  and will return the a XML file in the format as follows

<menu name="CUSTOMER_ID_ivr"
          timeout ="10000"
      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="1" param="bridge sofia/$${domain}/888 at conference.freeswitch.org"/<mailto:sofia/$$%7bdomain%7d/888 at conference.freeswitch.org%22/>>
      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="2" param="transfer 9996 XML default"/>    <!-- FS echo -->
      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="3" param="transfer 9999 XML default"/>    <!-- MOH -->
      <entry action="menu-sub" digits="4" param="3107767546_ivr_submenu"/>  <!-- demo sub menu -->
      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="5" param="transfer 1234*256 enum"/>    <!-- Screaming monkeys -->
      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="/^(10[01][0-9])$/" param="transfer $1 XML default"/> <!-- dial ext & x-fer -->
      <entry action="menu-top" digits="9"/>    <!-- Repeat this menu -->

4. Load and start executing the IVR  'CUSTOMER_ID_ivr'  from events socket on the fly via HTTP URI.

Gave it a shot with current setup


<configuration name="ivr.conf" description="IVR menus">
                <X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="/mnt/<<Folder Name for the NETWORK DIRVE mapped>>/ivr_menus/*.xml"/>

The ivr.conf.xml is auto loaded at startup of FreeSWITCH.
To load any new IVR menus , we need to call API command reloadxml  which reloads the whole XML configs in autload_configs folder.
The reloadxml might take long time based on the number of XML files present in the folder "/mnt/<<Folder Name for the NETWORK DIRVE mapped>>/ivr_menus"

Good /Hope to have for the IVR menu

1. Load /Unload  IVR menus on the fly  using  API command(s)
freeswitch at localhost> loadivr << URL to fetch the  XML describing the IVR menu(s)>>
freeswitch at localhost> unloadivr  <<IVR menu name>>

2.  From the event socket

SendMsg <uuid>
call-command: execute
execute-app-name: ivr
execute-app-arg: <<MAIN_MENU to start execution>>SPACE <<URL to fetch the  XML describing the IVR menu(s)>>

Educated/Wild Guess

We might be able to play IVR menu on the fly  by combining the mod_xml_curl and  dialplan tool  - ivr.

Please let us know how can we achieve the functionality , we are more interested in the second  approach(Event Socket)  under Good /Hope to have for the IVR menu.

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