[Freeswitch-dev] Loading mod_sofia from Erlang -- good news and bad news

Mark Sobkow m.sobkow at marketelsystems.com
Thu Oct 8 14:17:05 PDT 2009

The good news is I was able to download the ppa-source from 
launchpad.net and do a local source build of the packages.  I was then 
able to get a running install via:

dpkg -i freeswitch_1.0.4*.deb freeswitch-asr*.deb freeswitch-codec-*.deb 
freeswitch-lang-en*.deb freeswitch-lua*.deb freeswitch-perl*.deb 
freeswitch-python*.deb freeswitch-sky*.deb freeswitch-spider*.deb

(Installing all the .debs breaks the install as the Russian sound files 
aren't available, and there seems to be an issue with the .deb properly 
_blocking_ the install until those dependencies are resolved.)

However, I'm still having the same problem where fs_cli locks up after 
trying to do a "load mod_sofia".  Our Erlang logs show that it's been 
sent back in response to the query from FS, but FS freezes or does not 
get the file contents.

Is there some sort of debug option I can set in fs_cli to see exactly 
what's happening?  I'd like to confirm that it's _receiving_ the XML 
back from Erlang, especially as attempts by Andrew to use our Erlang 
source were successful on his installation.  Clearly there is still some 
difference between our boxen.

BTW, we're running Erlang ERTS 5.5.5.

Mark Sobkow
Senior Developer
MarkeTel Multi-Line Dialing Systems LTD.
428 Victoria Ave
Regina, SK S4N-0P6
Toll-Free: 800-289-8616-X533
Local: 306-359-6893-X533
Fax: 306-359-6879
Email: m.sobkow at marketelsystems.com
Web: http://www.marketelsystems.com 

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