[Freeswitch-users] Call recording

Sven Uszpelkat USZPELSV at comunycarse.com
Thu Jun 15 07:49:24 UTC 2017


We are using FreeSWITCH as a third-party recording application, i.e. we are receiving SIP calls with the complete audio of conversations taking place on another switch and we are saving this audio to a file. To achieve this we are using a simple script similar to this:

while(session:ready() == true) do
   test = session:recordFile("/usr/local/freeswitch/recordings/test.wav", 18000, 0, 300)

This script will be invoked by the following dialplan:

<extension name="Recording">
      <condition field="destination_number" expression=".*">
            <action application="lua" data="record.lua"/>

Basically it seems to work quite well, but sometimes there are missing audio at the end of the recorded file.  Usually it's only a few seconds, but sometimes it seems to be more. (It's like the recording sometimes goes behind the real call and when the hangup event is received the remaining audio is discarded.)

What could be the reason for this behavior? Is there something wrong with the script or is there a better way to achieve our goal?

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Sven Uszpelkat
Departamento I+D
Comunycarse Network Consultants, S.L.

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