[Freeswitch-users] Multi-user video conference

happy.neko happy.neko at gmail.com
Sun May 29 20:51:47 MSD 2016


I have following requirements for multi-user video conference:

1. One Teacher and up to 10 Students are in the same room.
2. Teacher hears everyone in the room and sees video streams from every
student (total bandwidth = 1 audios stream + n video streams).
3. Student hears everyone in the room and sees video stream from Teacher
only (total bandwidth = 1 audio stream + 1 video stream).
4. There is no CPU intensive video encoding process on the server. Teacher
receives video streams as-is plus muxed audio stream.
5. Conference is auto-recorded on the server. (I don't know exactly how,
mp4 with multiple video streams?)

Is it possible to implement this with FreeSwitch? If no what requirements
should be relaxed?

Also what exactly is the difference between "mux", "transcode" and
"passthrough" video modes?

Best regards,
I. Sokolov
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