[Freeswitch-users] Recommendations for a 'demo' PBX setup?

Piotr Starzyk pstarzyk at general-devices.com
Sat Apr 23 00:16:12 MSD 2016

I’m really liking FreeSWITCH so far, and am seriously considering replacing
our current Toshiba Strata system, with a FreeSWITCH implementation.  To
that end, I’m trying to put together a ‘proof of concept’ system to demo to
my supervisor.  I’ve done a bit of googling, but couldn’t find a
satisfactory answer.

I basically plan on purchasing two SIP phones, and connecting them via
FreeSWITCH to an analog phone line.  I will then demonstrate different
features, like Voicemail, IVR, Presence, Conferencing (basically a lot of
what FreeSWITCH demo dialplan has to offer).

My question is, what are some relatively cheap components that are
compatible with FreeSWITCH?  From my online searches, it looks like Sangoma
is the right choice, but the prices on their FXS/FXO cards start at a
couple hundred dollars, and while it would be fine for final install, I
can’t justify that for a ‘proof of concept’ setup.  I’m hoping to spend
less than $100 per each component below (so about $400 total).  The less
the better, but it should obviously be usable.

What I’d like is recommendations for the following, FreeSWITCH compatible

-          2 SIP Phones

-          FXS/FXO card (PCI or USB, or gateway or whatever is most

-          Linux (or Windows) PC capable of running FreeSWITCH and
interfacing with the above card

I’d appreciate any suggestions.  Thanks.
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