[Freeswitch-users] Custom Columns into MySQL Channels table

Jack Cortez mvar78 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 13:59:00 MSK 2015

I would like to add a column to channel table (created by FS automatically using ODBC) and populate this new columns with my own custom value.
Is this possible?

In particular, as I'm creating a simple PHP page to show active calls, what I would like to add is a column with the gateway_name to identify the Outbound Provider Name. So, in my PHP page I can show where the call is going out.

And also, I found that the application_data columns is showing the sofia dialstring (for ie. sofia/gateway/my_gateway/44798797978) but this columns is overwritten by last action I can't rely on this field.
I'm looking for days into the wiki but I didn't found anything interesting.

Thank you so much!

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