Oleg Stolyar olegstolyar at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 01:18:12 MSD 2014

Hi guys,

I use WebRTC to connect to FreeSWITCH.  Sometimes I get a MEDIA_TIMEOUT in
the logs which disconnects the leg.  My rtp-timeout-sec is 300 and
MEDIA_TIMEOUT seems to happen after 5 minutes, so it's all good.

I thought that this would happen when the user closes the browser or their
computer crashes or their network goes away.  However, I tested these
scenarios and in all of them FreeSWITCH disconnects after about 30 seconds
with the message NORMAL_TEMPORARY_FAILURE.  It's probably detecting that
the websocket is no longer active.  Again, all good.

My question is what scenario would result in the MEDIA_TIMEOUT rather than
NORMAL_TEMPORARY_FAILURE?  For example, would it happen if the user went on
mute for 5 min? Is there something else?
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