[Freeswitch-users] park_after_bridge

Alex Lake alex at digitalmail.com
Tue Feb 18 20:19:08 MSK 2014

I have a query relating to the "park_after_bridge" channel variable:

Firstly, I find the definition in the wiki a little vague - could do 
with an example (which I will provide once I'm sure I understand what 
it's supposed to do)

If on an a-leg, I initiate a b-leg by executing bridge with 
park_after_bridge=true, the idea is that the a-leg could terminate and 
the b-leg stays connected.

How about if I initiate a b-leg without park_after_bridge, but then 
while the calls are connected, set park_after_bridge=true (a b-leg 
channel variable) then when a-leg terminates, will b-leg still be parked?

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