[Freeswitch-users] Error on FreeSwitch database

Stefano stefano at i360tecnologia.com.br
Fri Feb 14 13:32:28 MSK 2014

Hello all.


After a power failure, my freeswitch put some output errors:


2014-02-14 08:05:11.105388 [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:586 NATIVE SQL ERR
[database is locked]


2014-02-14 08:05:11.105388 [CRIT] switch_core_sqldb.c:1719 ERROR [database
is locked]

2014-02-14 08:05:11.105388 [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:586 NATIVE SQL ERR
[cannot commit - no transaction is active]



2014-02-14 08:05:40.145389 [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:586 NATIVE SQL ERR
[database disk image is malformed]

delete from registrations where reg_user='5136000620' and realm='shopping'
and hostname='srv-014'

2014-02-14 08:05:40.165353 [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:586 NATIVE SQL ERR
[database disk image is malformed]

delete from registrations where reg_user='5136000661' and realm='shopping'
and hostname='srv-014'

2014-02-14 08:05:40.165353 [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:586 NATIVE SQL ERR
[database disk image is malformed]

delete from registrations where expires > 0 and expires <= 1392372295 and

2014-02-14 08:05:40.385344 [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:586 NATIVE SQL ERR
[database disk image is malformed]

delete from registrations where reg_user='5136000626' and realm='shopping'
and hostname='srv-014'

2014-02-14 08:05:40.585366 [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:586 NATIVE SQL ERR
[database disk image is malformed]

delete from registrations where reg_user='5136000662' and realm='shopping'
and hostname='srv-014'


How I can fix it?






Assinatura - Stefano I360 



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