[Freeswitch-users] Call UDP -> TLS

Chusov Alexsandr chusov.alexsandr at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 04:00:02 MSK 2013

2013/3/26 Michael Collins <msc at freeswitch.org>

> showed specifically has "transport=tls

I wrote in the mailing list  Bogan  response:

Hi Alexsandr,

Well, the problem is more complex a bit. I see you configured OpenSIPs
to add PATH header to REGISTER before sending it to FS. The address in
PATH has UDP transport, so FS (if supports PATH) should send the calls
back to OpenSIPS by using the address from PATH (with UDP). The contact
in register has TLS transport (and you fwd it to FS as it is), but it
should not be used directly by FS because of the presence and priority
of PATH hdr.

So, my only explanation is that FS does not support / not configured to
handle PATH, so that it uses the address from contact, which is TLS.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developerhttp://www.opensips-solutions.com
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