[Freeswitch-users] How to configure the freeswitch.dbh ODBC log

KevinJin kevin.jzh at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 9 15:47:11 MSK 2013

HI All, my Lua script using the freeswitch.dbh (ODBC) to connect to the postgresql and it works, however I find that freeswitch creates odbc connecting logs in different folders,  I find two logs in the conf/autoload_configs/  16600.log, 16603.log, and one log in the freeswitch base folder /opt/freeswitch/ 12324.log.  It's really strang. How can I configure the system to put these logs in one place?   and how to turn off these logs? =============snip =========================[3061185392]calling getDSNdefaults
conn = 0xb713ade8, PGAPI_Connect(DSN='cb', UID='conf', PWD='xxxxx')
[3061185392]CC_connect: entering...
[3061185392]original_CC_connect: entering...
Driver Version='08.04.0200,200912260001'
[3061185392]Driver Version='08.04.0200,200912260001'
Global Options: fetch=100, socket=4096, unknown_sizes=0, max_varchar_size=255, max_longvarchar_size=65536
                disable_optimizer=0, ksqo=1, unique_index=1, use_declarefetch=0
                text_as_longvarchar=1, unknowns_as_longvarchar=0, bools_as_char=1 NAMEDATALEN=64
                extra_systable_prefixes='dd_;', conn_settings='' conn_encoding=''
[3061185392]original_CC_connect: DSN = 'cb', server = 'localhost', port = '5432', database = 'cb', username = 'conf', password='xxxxx'
[3061185392]connecting to the server socket...
[3061185392](0)(null) ERRNO=115
[3061185392]connection to the server socket succeeded.
[3061185392]sizeof startup packet = 292
[3061185392]sent the authentication block successfully.
[3061185392]gonna do authentication
[3061185392]read -1, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[3061185392]read 15, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[3061185392]auth got 'R'
----snip ------[3060202352][SQLGetData][3060202352]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=0xb7145ad0 icol=1
[3060202352]     num_rows = 1
[3060202352]     value = '1000'
[3060202352]**** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, target_type = 1, field_type = 23, value = '1000'
[3060202352]copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '1000', cbValueMax=11
[3060202352]DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '1000'
[3060202352]    SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 11, rgbValueBindRow = '1000'
[3060202352][SQLDescribeCol][3060202352]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.2..
[3060202352]SC_pre_execute: status = 3
[3060202352]PGAPI_DescribeCol: result = 0xb7140688, status = 3, numcols = 3
[3060202352]describeCol: col 1 fieldname = 'conf_pin'
[3060202352]describeCol: col 1 fieldtype = 23
[3060202352]describeCol: col 1 column_size = 10
[3060202352]describeCol: col 1 *pfSqlType = 4
[3060202352]describeCol: col 1  *pcbColDef = 10
[3060202352]describeCol: col 1  *pibScale = 0
[3060202352]describeCol: col 1  *pfNullable = 1
[3060202352][SQLGetData][3060202352]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=0xb7145ad0 icol=2
[3060202352]     num_rows = 1
[3060202352]     value = '1234'----snip ------- Thanks,Kevin 		 	   		  
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