[Freeswitch-users] Recording calls with a beep

Robert Stevens rstevens at robcoit.com
Mon Oct 29 07:03:51 MSK 2012

Hi All,

I have been searching the wiki for a good way to insert a beep every 10 seconds into a call that is being recorded (I plan on recording all calls to Comcast from here on out).  This is my dialplan:

<extension name="CallCentric.18002662278" >
  <condition field="destination_number" expression="18002662278" >
      <action application="set" data="sip_h_X-accountcode=${accountcode}" />
      <action application="set" data="sip_h_X-Tag=" />
      <action application="set" data="call_direction=outbound" />
      <action application="set" data="hangup_after_bridge=true" />
      <action application="set" data="effective_caller_id_name=${outbound_caller_id_name}" />
      <action application="set" data="effective_caller_id_number=${outbound_caller_id_number}" />
      <action application="set" data="inherit_codec=true" />
      <action application="set" data="RECORD_TITLE=Recording ${destination_number} ${caller_id_number} ${strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M)}" />
      <action application="set" data="RECORD_COPYRIGHT=(c) 2012" />
      <action application="set" data="RECORD_ARTIST=FreeSwitch" />
      <action application="set" data="RECORD_COMMENT=FreeSwitch" />
      <action application="set" data="RECORD_DATE=${strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M)}" />
      <action application="set" data="RECORD_STEREO=true" />
      <action application="displace_session" data="tone_stream://%(100,15000,800);loops=-1" />
      <action application="record_session" data="$${base_dir}/recordings/archive/${strftime(%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)}_${destination_number}_${caller_id_number}.wav" />
      <action application="bridge" data="sofia/gateway/CallCentric/18002662278" />


I would also like to playback a tone so they know I'm recording them (for legal reasons).  Per the wiki, the displace_session does indeed play back a tone every 15 seconds.  But I'm afraid it never bridges the call..  It's probably something stupid, but what am I doing wrong here?  I hear the intial beep after dialing the number but no early media with dead air on the line.  What is the best way to insert a tone every x seconds while both legs of the call are in progress and so that each party hears the tone?

Also, when testing this without tone_stream, the recording works (horaah) but the recording itself is really ssssssssllllooowwwwww.  I am still working on that one, its probably in the wiki, i'm looking now, but if anyone has a suggestion let me know.

Best regards,

Robert Stevens
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