[Freeswitch-users] Central FreeSWITCH nodes management with Mod_XML_Curl vs Mod_Lua

Michael Collins msc at freeswitch.org
Wed Jul 18 00:56:11 MSD 2012

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 12:30 PM, Vik Killa <vipkilla at gmail.com> wrote:

> I dont understand what they meant by 'listeners'
> AFAIK if the web server process is running it will always return the XML

Last time I checked, there were one or two websites out there that could
handle thousands of requests per second. The web has given birth to tools
that allow for many, many concurrent requests. The LAMP stack on a beefy
machine can do quite a lot of traffic. Furthermore, MySQL/Postgres/et al
all have backup/redundancy/HA options built in, as does Apache/HTTP. It
seems to me that you could scale farther and have more redundancy using
these time-tested tools. Just my $0.02.


P.S. - Don't get me wrong - I really like Lua. I just don't know if it's
really a "better" solution to this problem.
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