[Freeswitch-users] Freeswitch console log and file log

Alexandr Kostenko akostenko at broadvox.com
Wed Jul 4 11:48:08 MSD 2012

Thanks a lot, I will follow your advice. 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Michael Collins" <msc at freeswitch.org> 
To: "FreeSWITCH Users Help" <freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 1:17:30 AM 
Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] Freeswitch console log and file log 

On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 3:10 AM, Alexandr Kostenko < akostenko at broadvox.com > wrote: 

Hi, Guys. 
Can you explain me more understandable about logs in freeswitch. 
Can I for example decrease console log level (or fully disable) and increase file log level? 
Also can full log level causing freeswitch crush ? 

You can have console logging at a different level than the log file. Look in conf/autoload_configs/console.conf.xml and logfile.conf.xml and you'll see that you have a fair number of options. In console.conf.xml there's a lot of explanatory information about mappings and how to make it so that only certain items have logging turned on at specific log levels. Note that what's listed in console.conf.xml also applies to logfile.conf.xml. 


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