[Freeswitch-users] int/ext dial tones not synchronous

georg at riseup.net georg at riseup.net
Thu Jan 26 04:07:50 MSK 2012

Hi Mike,

> if you are explicitly doing ring_ready, its telling it to ringback before
> we actually know the phone is ringing.  The approach we take passes the
> ringing message all the way back to the original device.  Take a look at
> the debug to see what is actually taking that long.

Allright. I thought of something similar, so I step back of using ring_ready.

I tried several calls, and it seems just random: Like 50%/50%, the
ringback tone the caller hears is nearly in sync with the internal one, in
the other 50%, there's a delay of ~ three seconds.

However, the debug output is looking the same, I posted one to [1].

My provider isn't supporting early media. Could this be a problem?


[1] http://dpaste.de/no6bO/

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