[Freeswitch-users] Email notification when user unregistered?

王理 itispip-qq at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 12 20:52:29 MSK 2012

Hi Freeswtich Master,
I'm in a situation where I need to proactively moniter whether some device/extension is on in my local network; If for some reason the devices are offline, I need to be noticed immediately so that I can restart the device;
Previously I  use xlite client to suscribe to the presence notification of the devices, but recently added some devices which not supporting presence notification, so I want FreeSwitch to send an email notification when some user/extention are getting unregistered;
How can I capture a Feeswtich user unregister event & launch a LUA script then?
Happy days!
/Brgds, Alex 		 	   		  
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