[Freeswitch-users] Problem originate conference hangup

Michael Collins msc at freeswitch.org
Tue May 10 02:54:50 MSD 2011

I sort of understand what you're doing. I think you might have an overly
complicated setup. Let me tell you what I think you're trying to do, and
then we'll talk about how to make it happen:

#1 - You call into a conference. The conference moderator has caller
controls that general members do not. (BTW, the way you have it set now,
*everyone* will have the option to press 2. You may not mix conference
profiles in the same conference. In other words, every member of the
conference must have the same caller control group. If you want to have the
moderator have extra commands then I strongly recommend "bind_digit_action")

#2 - The moderator (you) presses 2 and gets dial-tone. You dial someone
else's mobile phone number and then you are returned to the conference room.

#3 - The number you entered in step #2 is called and added to your

Is that correct? I don't want to spend any more time on this unless I know
the exact steps that you want to have happen.


On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 1:58 PM, Thomas Hoellriegel <admin at blindi.net> wrote:

> Hi michael,
> I use a cellphone. And i have a voip-flaterate (unlimited rate) to call all
> cellphones and landlines in germany.
> I generate a callback from  the phone. Fs call me back.
> Ok i go in my conference with adminfunctions.
>  And i like to callout to add more people to the conference.
> When i setup a callback via the originatecommand, fs hangup the line after
> a party is added to the conference.
> I call the conference directlly from the sipadapter fs go back after the
> first party to callout, this is correctlly.
> Can i disable the Hangup after the originate command?
> I don.t find a variable.
> This is my solution.
> Thankx.
> ---------------
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