[Freeswitch-users] mod_fifo & CID

Yuriy Ivzhenko yivzhenko at mksat.net
Thu Mar 24 17:44:27 MSK 2011

Hi All,

After upgrading to last Git (git-73ca862) i see changes in CID on
calls to agents, generated by mod_fifo.

If agent answer
caller_profile.caller_id_name = "Outbound Call"
caller_profile.caller_id_number = <agent number> 

If agent not answer 
caller_profile.caller_id_name = caller caller_id_name
caller_profile.caller_id_number = caller caller_id_number (or 
origination_caller_id_name/number of set in agents dialstring)
In old version, so it was always.

Is this correct?
It seems to me it should not depend on, answered the call or not.

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