[Freeswitch-users] Sangoma Transcoding

Steven Ayre steveayre at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 20:04:47 MSD 2011

Do you have mod_sangoma_codec loaded? If so, it'll automatically use the
card instead of CPU for transcoding for the supported codecs.

You should also avoid having the modules loaded that provide any of the
codecs that mod_sangoma_codec provides. i.e. do not load mod_g729,
mod_com_g729, mod_g7231, mod_amr, mod_ilbc.

The parameters you mentioned only affect how codec negotiation is performed,
they don't control transcoding and any settings for those parameter will
work with the Sandoma card. Rather importantly disable-transcoding is a bit
of a misnomer, it doesn't actually disable transcoding, just attempts to
force it not to be needed by forcing the aleg and bleg codecs to match.


On 5 June 2011 15:40, Gustavo Espeche <gustavo.espeche at easyipcall.com>wrote:

> Hi some one can do work sangoma d100 transcoding, i installed the card,
> load the sangoma codec into freeswitch, but i can't do that the
> freeswitch do a transcoding using sangoma card.
> I configure my profile
>    <param name="inbound-late-negotiation" value="false"/>
>    <param name="disable-transcoding" value="false"/>
> if some one configure with success this card i appreciate a lot any
> advice.
> Best Regards.
> --
> Gustavo Espechese
> EasyIpCall S.R.L.
> www.easyipcall.com
> Bv Mitre 517 24° E
> Cordoba - Argentina
> Te: +54 - 351 - 4280633
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