[Freeswitch-users] Playing multiple files simultaneously

Bryan Smart bryansmart at bryansmart.com
Fri Jul 1 09:13:20 MSD 2011

Is it possible for Freeswitch to play more than one file to a channel at a time? What I've seen and tried from the dialplan and scripts either queues files to play, or will stop a currently playing file so that the newly requested file will play. This also seems to be the case in conferences. When I send multiple play commands to conferences, the files are queued.

As for how this might be used, think of an IVR that plays queued prompts, yet continuously plays looping music or a Shoutcast stream in the background. I also want to be able to play short cue tones that start at the same time as a prompt (don't want to pre-mix them in to a single file, though).

Is this currently possible through any means? Perhaps with the event socket?


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