[Freeswitch-users] how to know which gateway used after continue_on_fail=true

Muhammad Naseer Bhatti nbhatti at gmail.com
Thu Dec 22 22:34:09 MSK 2011

http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Variable_failed_xml_cdr_prefix seems
to have fixed the issue. I sent 4 gateways, 3 of them failed. 4th was
the good one. It can be seen in the CDR.

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 10:28 PM, Paul Cupis <paul at cupis.co.uk> wrote:
> On 22/12/11 10:50, Muhammad Naseer Bhatti wrote:
>> Hello, I am using LUA to generate a DP and set channel variables for
>> the bridge. All the variables are set, and LUA exits and the bridge is
>> made outside the LUA script and the call is connected. I am using
>> mod_xml_cdr for CDRs. If I set 1 gateway and bridge the call, I can
>> see that gateway used in the CDR. Problem comes in when I use
>> continue_on_fail=true, and have multiple gateways in bridge. The call
>> fails from the first gateway, and is successfully connected via the
>> second gateway. But I am not able to see the real gateway used in the
>> CDR. I tried enabling log-b-leg in mod_xml_cdr to see what it shows,
>> but I just can't see the gateway which was actually used to bridge the
>> call. In the last_asg, I see both of the gateways passed.
>> How can I know which gateway was used for the bridge? And no, I am NOT
>> using mod_lcr.
> The information should be available in the app_log section of the a_leg
> Have a look at one of your CDRs, and compare the <callflow> section to
> the <app_log> section.
> If you are still having trouble with this, perhaps post back with
> example CDRs (possibly redacted and on pastebin).
> Regards,
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