[Freeswitch-users] from FS to * CALL_REJECTED

Zhuravlov Sergey orbit at klbank.ru
Thu Dec 15 14:34:08 MSK 2011

Good day!
Can not connect sobstvennye FS and asterisk.
I do, as described here


!!!With ACLs!!! 

call with asterisk to FS happened, 
but with FS to asterisk call fail:

call is made so

EXECUTE sofia/internal/272 at my.domain.com:5060 bridge(sofia/external/711 at xx.xxx.xx.xx)


and packets are not with FS in the direction of asterisk is not going

[root at fs0 freeswitch]# tcpdump -nS -i venet0:0 dst xx.xxx.xx.xx

where xx.xxx.xx.xx -- asterisk

what could be the reason?

  Zhuravlov Sergey

  GTALK/JABBER:4orbit at gmail.com

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