[Freeswitch-users] pagd dynamic conference

Rodney notlikeme75 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 6 10:41:14 MSK 2011

>>> Michael, I tried what you suggest and it just plays conf-pin.wav then goes right to bad-pin.wav then hangups without actually putting me in conference.before i tried this i tried using "read" instead of pagd and it accepted the pin and put me into the conference but didn't allow me any 
conference options or the ability to back out to main ivr.  I am still stuck :( . my system is ivr based incoming calls only so this feature is essential. all help is appreciated.

 condition      destination_number      ^3001$      
  action      answer        
  action      play_and_get_digits      4 4 3 # 2000 conf-pin.wav conf-bad-pin.wav \d+   
  action      conference      ${digits}-${domain}@default


I believe you just need to call play_and_get_digits (PAGD) prior to dropping them into the conference. If I understand the question correctly, the four-digits that the caller enters represents the "conference number" or whatever you call it. You could do this:

<action application="play_and_get_digits" data="4 4 3 # plz_enter_conf.wav invalid.wav digits \d+ 2000"/>
<action application="conference" data="${digits}-${domain}@default"/>

naturally you'll need to read up on PAGD so that you understand what all that stuff is doing. Also, be sure to specify real sound files, not the fake ones that I used. The ${digits} value is what the caller actually dials. In a production environment you'll need to handle the scenario where the caller never actually enters a valid 4-digit number.


On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 11:44 AM, Rodney <notlikeme75 at yahoo.com> wrote:

I have tried the nb_conference example in the default.xml but I think I am doing something wrong. when i transfer to that extension it drops me into a single static conference of the variable . what do i need to add or change to prompt my callers transfered to the nb_conference to enter a 4 digit conference number without pin that gives them the same options as my static conferences on the default profile? I know play and get digits must be involved but would appreciate the help. thanks.
>    <extension name="nb_conferences">
>      <condition field="destination_number" expression="^\*(30\d{2})$">
>    <action application="answer"/>
>    <action application="conference"
>      </condition>
>    </extension>
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