[Freeswitch-users] Voice mail folders

Peder peder at networkoblivion.com
Mon Sep 20 07:03:02 PDT 2010

I know this isn't a direct answer for your question, but I always tell
people to have it emailed to them as well, and then they can file it in
their email folders, which is infinitely easier to search.  Personally I've
never understood people that use huge folders of voicemail.  How the heck do
you search through 90 messages in a timely manner?

-----Original Message-----
From: freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org
[mailto:freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org] On Behalf Of Tim St.
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 11:24 PM
To: FreeSWITCH Users Help
Subject: [Freeswitch-users] Voice mail folders


I have a lot of former Asterisk users really miffed about the lack of
folders in Freeswitch voice mail.

I noticed in the database table voicemail_msgs there is a folder column that
is always inbox.  Is
this used for anything?

How hard would it be to implement some sort of mechanism that would let you
tag a voice mail message
as being part of a specific folder, then search those folders later on for



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