[Freeswitch-users] recording to ogg vorbis

Brian West brian at freeswitch.org
Sun May 30 07:21:37 PDT 2010

Ogg can record native sample rates I would say context->sfinof.samplerate= handle->samplerate;  

This would mean that it would record at the channels native sample rate and no resample would be required to record 8,12,16,24,32 or 48kHz channels.

Could flac support be added also?


On May 30, 2010, at 8:17 AM, Kees Varekamp wrote:

> Thanks.
> I think I got it fixed:
> 1) libsndfile needs updating to 1.0.21
> 2) libsndfile needs libogg, libvorbis, libflac and pkg-config (otherwise it will happily compile, but without ogg support)
> 3) mod_sndfile needs an extra else if after line 150:
> 	} else if (!strcmp(ext, "oga")) {
> 		context->sfinfo.format = SF_FORMAT_OGG | SF_FORMAT_VORBIS;
> 		context->sfinfo.channels = 1;
> 		context->sfinfo.samplerate = 8000;
> 	}
> 4) make && make install mod_sndfile 
> 5) ...
> 6) Profit!

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