[Freeswitch-users] Having some trouble recording calls.

Mark Sobkow m.sobkow at marketelsystems.com
Sun Mar 7 13:33:03 PST 2010

I'm using the uuid_record command to tell Freeswitch to record a call.

    RecordResult = pbx:api( uuid_record, 
Operator#pbx_operator_registry.operator_uuid ++ " start " ++ FullFileName ),

After the customer hangs up, I tell it to stop recording:

    StopRecordResult = pbx:api( uuid_record, 
Operator#pbx_operator_registry.operator_uuid ++ " stop " ++ FullFileName ),

However, I get an error "-ERR Cannot stop record session!".  Any 
subsequent attempts to start a new recording file also fail.

What am I doing wrong?

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