[Freeswitch-users] Is Session.uuid the same as caller_profile/uuid in the cdr.xml?

Brian Deacon bdeacon at highergear.com
Fri Jan 30 16:55:41 PST 2009


So my xml cdr has just one uuid in it.  (I guess the shape and contents
of this are configurable?  But I'm using however it defaults.)


I wouldn't have thought caller_profile would be where I'd find a
session.uuid, but since that seems to be the only uuid in the cdr, I'm
guessing that's it if it's there.  Is that it?

I'm going to be logging the start of a phone call using the session uuid
as the PK for a log record and need to be able to update that record
later with call duration information when the CDR comes through after


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