[Freeswitch-users] fs doesn't realize caller hanged up when a call from PSTN is on hold

Milena testeador01 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 07:42:06 PST 2009

I am using fs 1.0.2 running on CentOS 5.2.
You're right, the gxw is not alerting fs at all, i did some testing and
there is absolutely nothing on the debug console (after pressing F8) between
the moment i put  the user on hold and the moment i pick up the call again.

"You might need to use
See the example at the bottom (this is how I use it to detect a hang up as
my telco doesn't vary the voltage levels on hangup)":
It recognizes when the hang up is done before picking up, but after picking
up it won't recognize the hang up.
I tried configuring this on my dialplan configuration to-pstn then i dialed
to an extension that would pick up and then hang up on me, but it didn't do
the magic, I also tried adding it to the anti-action options on the default
dialplan for the extensions 100X and testing again but it didn't work
I tried calling to my telco to get info on what kind of hangup signal did
they send but i got stuck into a cycle of a person bouncing me to the
"assigned area" over and over again.
Maybe the frequences i tried were not the right ones... maybe the gateway
can be configured without having information about my telco... i don't know,
i'll try asking for support on the Grandstream site.

 Thank you very much anyways.

2009/1/7 Michael Collins <msc at freeswitch.org>

> What version of FreeSWITCH are you on? Also, can you get a debug trace from
> when the far end hangs up? We definitely need to know if the gxw is alerting
> FS to the fact that the far end actually hung up, which is in doubt right
> now.
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