[Freeswitch-users] How can I detect an execute failure using ESL?

Ron McLeod ron.freeswitch at mcleodnet.com
Mon Dec 21 00:48:35 PST 2009

When I try and perform an operation on a channel which has gone, an error is
returned.  How can I detect this using the ESL?  execute() and sendRecv()
always return 0 (zero) regardless of whether the command returns +OK or


sendmsg 5d09753c-ede7-11de-85c6-27ab474dd533

call-command: execute

execute-app-name: hangup

execute-app-arg: UNALLOCATED_NUMBER


Content-Type: command/reply

Reply-Text: -ERR invalid session id [5d09753c-ede7-11de-85c6-27ab474dd533]




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