[Freeswitch-users] FS Rocks!!!!!!!!!

Nik Middleton nik.middleton at noblesolutions.co.uk
Tue Dec 8 15:59:55 PST 2009

Thought I'd send this little hurrah!  As there seems to have been a lot
of negativity on this list lately.


>From my point of view, having looked at many solutions out there, FS is
still number one with regards to flexibility and performance.  I cannot
imagine doing what I'm using FS for, with any other product.  Yes it's
frustrating at times, but this is largely down to a lack


So, if you have a solution to a problem, share it by adding an entry on
the WIKI.


Kudos to AM and all the other dev's, as someone said once 'Don't let the
bastards grind you down'



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