[Freeswitch-users] uuid_broadcast with pause and rewind for dictation service?

Anthony Minessale anthony.minessale at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 11:29:14 PST 2009

Someone else was asking about this too.
I could probably write a dictaction mod in c like the one I made for
asterisk starting at about $3k depending on the featureset required.

On Dec 6, 2009 10:30 AM, "Peter P GMX" <Prometheus001 at gmx.net> wrote:


I would like to offer a dictation service to a secretary.

   * the boss is dictating some text on a certain phone number
   * the secretary picks up the recording on the phone and types the
     text into the computer

As the secretary is not able to type in as fastly as heir boss is able
to speak, she needs some kind of pause and rewind button.
1st question: Is there any functionality available for example in
2nd question: How much would be the effort to implement this
(uuid_broadcast_pause, uuid_broadcast_UNpause,
uuid_broadcast_rewind(sec)) ? I may offer then a bounty for this.

Best regards

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