[Freeswitch-users] Multiple context without using directory

Ron McCarthy ronmccar at gmail.com
Sun Dec 28 10:52:15 PST 2008

Hi all,

I would like to setup FS to have many context, basically we just want to
switch calls, and since we have been using Asterisk we want to keep the
context names the same, and well it's easier it seems to me.

This is for termination only, so just sending calls out, I would think FS
can do it the same way Asterisk does, where if the IP matches then it will
use those settings with that gateway and diaplan since the context ties them
all together. No matter what I try the context always goes to default, I
even took off all the ACL's for internal and external profiles and tried
gateways in each, still no luck, i can't get around the default context. We
are going to be using IP based auth only, so no user/pass's ever.

Any help on this would be great, I have searched and searched and everyone
just uses the default context, but I am trying to avoid that as the diaplan
will get quite long as I will have to all kinds of crazy matching, when a
context is much simpler, and I would think faster then using lots of
dialplan logic.

Thanks for any help on this!

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