[Freeswitch-video] Screen sharing with verto.js on firefox

Zach Rothy zrothy at monmouth.com
Thu Nov 3 00:15:19 MSK 2016


Recently I started a video conferencing project using Freeswitch 1.6.10 
running on Centos 7. I had decided to user mod_verto and its javascript 
library verto.js to create my own client since the verto communicator 
demo is just a demo and isn't meant for production.

I've got all the basics I needed for, video and audio calls on Firefox 
and chrome, but when it comes to screen sharing it gets a bit confusing. 
Like the Verto Communicator demo I have the screen sharing using 
getScreenId.js and in Google Chrome I have it working. Though when it 
comes to Firefox, getScreenId returns a different object completely than 
it will for chrome and it seems if you get a mediaStream object from 
getUserMedia you can't just blindly drop it in the same way as Chrome.

I tried asking on the IRC and HipChat, and the only thing I got back was 
something about adapter.js on the "latest stuff", though when I checked 
master on the Freeswitch repo I did not see anything regarding this in 
the Verto Communicator folder.

I was wondering if anyone has successfully gotten Firefox to be able to 
screen share with verto.js and mod_verto? If so how was it done, and if 
not are there any ideas or clues of where to start looking myself.

Thanks in advance,

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