[Freeswitch-video] Freeswitch Videoconference mux and mp4 not working

Enrico Grillo enrico.grillo at grilloconsulting.it
Sun Oct 4 19:30:20 MSD 2015

Hi everybody,
I'm new to freeswitch and I'm experimenting with the 1.6.2 distro installed
on a Virtualbox VM with Debian 8.2.
I have installed  by "apt-get install freeswitch-all".
My goal is to set up a private server to handle video conferences with 2-4
participants using PCs (Jitsy), iPad (Polycom) and Verto WebRtc.  I have a
mandatory requirement to record audio+broadcasted video on an mp4 file.
Adding and configuring h26x codec I'm been succesful in doing direct video
calls from Polycom to Jitsy and even using the default 3000 video conference
room where every participant sees the speaker video.  All this calls use
video passthru h264.
If I try to use the default 3500 room the audio works fine but the
broadcasted video is black.
I suspect that I have missed some required support for mux/transcode
encoding and sending.
I have also done some experiments on video recording adding mod-vlc with the
aim to obtain mp4 video recordings but I can't figure how to make it work.
If I do a video call to the preconfigured 9192 I can record and playback a
.fsv video but unfortunately I'm unable to convert it to a standard mp4
If I edit default.conf replacing .fsv wuth .mp4 when I call 9192 I don't see
any error message (even after log 7) but mod-vlc creates and empty mp4 file.
What I' missing?
Thank you for any help or hints

Enrico Grillo
Torino Italy

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