<p>Hello all!</p>
<p>Freeswitch version - 1.2.8, installed in Centos.</p>
<p>Freeswitch always goes for configuration to our server (on which CakePHP is situated)</p>
<p>I have problem with callcenter module in freeswitch.</p>
<p>In mod_xml_curl add two bindings: dialplan and configuration.</p>
<p>< binding name="configuration"></p>
<p> < param name="use-dynamic-url" value="yes"/></p>
<p> < param name="gateway-url" value="http://example.comt/freeswitch/configuration/${our_queue_name}${company_id}" bindings="configuration"/></p>
<p>< /binding></p>
<p>So, when I restart (start) freeswitch or reload mod_callcenter - FS request default configuration for callcenter and it works great (FS add queues, agents and tiers).</p>
<p>After that in dialplan for specific number I set application callcenter with specific name and set 2 global variables, <b>our_queue_name</b> and <b>company_id</b>, which send to me with a name of queue and company id. -- this works fine</p>
<p>When I receive from freeswitch request - I configure xml from db data and send FS callcenter configuration. -- works fine. <b>FS get correct xml, but add only queue settings and absolutely ignoring adding agents and tiers.</b> -- This is my problem for now.</p>
<p>I try to solve this situation by using lua scripts - no results.</p>
<br/><hr align="left" width="300" />
View this message in context: <a href="http://freeswitch-users.2379917.n2.nabble.com/Problem-with-callcenter-configuration-don-t-register-agents-and-tiers-tp7591135.html">Problem with callcenter configuration (don't register agents and tiers)</a><br/>
Sent from the <a href="http://freeswitch-users.2379917.n2.nabble.com/">freeswitch-users mailing list archive</a> at Nabble.com.<br/>