I compiled mod_portaudio for rpi (arm11) in January. No problem.<br><br>I compiled it again this week. Problem. Logs show it can't find any devices.<br><br>So I copy the mod_portaudio.so and mod_portaudio_la from January to the newly compiled installation, and voila, devices found.<br>
<br>I did a git diff in src/mod/endpoints/mod_portaudio, and there have been a couple of changes in the mod_portaudio.c file, but nothing that would explain this.<br><br>Mod-portaudio source doesn't seem to have changed, just the way it's build. (Still version 1899, V19-devel.)<br>
<br>The newer <a href="http://mod_portaudio.la">mod_portaudio.la</a> shows different dependences, and the new mod_portaudio.so is much smaller.<br><br>I think mod_portaudio is currently broken for raspberry pi and likely other platforms too. Anyone have any insight?<br>