<p>Ok, i am getting confused. Am trying to offer mixed mode calls. If peers are compatible with zrtp(i check that in a db via mod_lua), then zrtp should be used. If it's not zrtp friendly or it's an outside call, then srtp is used. I set clients to create zrtp +optional srtp(e.g. both savp and avp in sdp lines) and then set via lua:<br>
Sip_allow_crypto_in_avp t<br>
Sip_secure_media f<br>
Nolocal:sip_secure_media f<br>
Zrtp_secure_media t<br>
Proxy_media t<br>
Bypass_media f<br>
Inherit_codec t</p>
<p>But i only get the call established on clients with SRTP indicated as enabled and no sign of ZRTP. And there is no audio on top of that too, because fs is not feeding srtp data between them.</p>
<p>Anyone has achieved such a dynamic mixed mode setup and wants to help?</p>