A belated happy Monday to all!<br><br>Last week on our <a href="http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/FS_weekly_2013_04_03" target="_blank">conference call</a>
we spent some time discussing various topics such as Jira system
improvements and updates, sound prompts, ClueCon 2013 and several other
topics. The recordings can be found in the <a href="http://torrents.freeswitch.org/conf_call_2013-04-03.torrent" target="_blank">usual place</a>. <br>
<br>On <a href="http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/FS_weekly_2013_04_10" target="_blank">this week's call</a>
we are going to have a community discussion and a few minutes of
Q&A from the audience. If possible, please add your questions to the
agenda page and we'll research them prior to the call. Where applicable
we'll ask members of the audience to update the wiki to reflect any
undocumented knowledge that has been discussed.<br>
<br>Things have been busy with the advent of <a href="http://www.cluecon.com" target="_blank">ClueCon 2013</a>
season but we're on top of things and we'll keep everyone posted on all
the particulars. Feel free to register at any time. Also, please
contact us at this email address if you have any questions about being a
speaker, sponsor, or attendee. We'll be glad to assist.<br>
<br>One last item: I wanted to personally say thank you to Steven Ayre
for all of his hard work with answering questions on the mailing list.
He has done a great job of helping lots of people with a variety of
questions. Many thanks to Steven and all the others who make FreeSWITCH
such a great FOSS community.<br>
<br>Thanks and have a great week!<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Michael S Collins<br>Twitter: @mercutioviz<br><a href="http://www.FreeSWITCH.org" target="_blank">http://www.FreeSWITCH.org</a><br><a href="http://www.ClueCon.com" target="_blank">http://www.ClueCon.com</a><br>
<a href="http://www.OSTAG.org" target="_blank">http://www.OSTAG.org</a><br><br>