<div dir="ltr">Hi everyone, I have been working on a configuration gui for freeswitch for several years now. It has gone through several revisions and changes in its core and well as the interface itself, basically making it more efficient and more user friendly as well as more expandable. It was a decision as of late now to take that work and make it open source, it is kind of giving out a lot of work at no cost, but I came to a point with it that I just cannot do it myself anymore. It is written entirely in C# and is its own self contained web server. The code is available at <a href="http://code.google.com/p/freeswitchconfig/">http://code.google.com/p/freeswitchconfig/</a>. I would like to get others on board to assist in testing, coding,etc. I was looking to add this to the wiki but do not have access and looking to port it over to have a branch that both has a self contained web server and one that will run inside an <a href="http://asp.net">asp.net</a> capable web server. Enjoy the usage of it for those that do end up using it, any and all feed back would be appreciated. Also on a side note it is a web based system that has its own mobile version that automatically switches to accordingly. I just moved it to google code so have had no time to work on the wiki or anything for it.<br>