<div dir="ltr"><div>tl;dr: I find maintenance, compiling, and low-level system information much easier in *nix.</div><div><br></div>I'd just like to add a few things:<div>I developed all my "tech expertise" on windows until the age of ~23. </div>
<div>I've only been using Linux a year, but I can't imagine doing most of this stuff as easily on windows. Even on my Ubuntu desktop, I'm constantly in the terminal wget'ing or git cloning some source code, make'ing it, rsync'ing from/to my servers, or just popping up a terminal windows to manage things on my server... e.g. checking ram or CPU usage is just a few characters away ('free -m')</div>
<div><br></div><div>A friend was bugging me to use windows and after installing it, I was having a really hard time even with cygwin to get all the same terminal options. There's just so many sys-admin tasks that are just easier with the CLI (and then it's great to have the same flexibility to do that on your desktop, too.)</div>
<div><br></div><div>I used to use sshfs heavily to mount my server over ssh as a local drive, but there was a bit of lag when getting folder lists or saving -- which I remember is better than sftp anyway. </div><div>I now have git repos of everything I usually manage, and use Salt-stack for configuration management (again, config fed via git), so to make most changes I just edit a local git repo and git push to my server over SSH. I know you can replicate this on windows, but not nearly as easily...</div>